Describe The Interaction Between The Orchid And A Tree

Describe The Interaction Between The Orchid And A Tree

Describe the interaction between the orchid and a tree?​

Daftar Isi

1. Describe the interaction between the orchid and a tree?​




Orchidaceae normally called the orchid family, is a different and broad group of blossoming plants, with sprouts that are regularly vivid and fragrant.

Alongside the Asteraceae, they are one of the two biggest groups of blooming plants. The Orchidaceae have around 28,000 at present acknowledged species, dispersed in around 763 genera. The assurance of which orchid family is bigger is as yet under banter, on the grounds that checked information on the individuals from such tremendous families are consistently in transition. In any case, the quantity of orchid species is almost equivalent to the quantity of hard fishes, over two times the quantity of bird species, and multiple times the quantity of well evolved creature species.

The family envelops around 6-11% of all seed plants. The biggest genera are Bulbophyllum Epidendrum, Dendrobiumand Pleurothallis . Orchid likewise incorporates Vanilla (the class of the vanilla plant), the sort variety Orchids, and many ordinarily developed plants like Phalaenopsis and Cattleya. Also, since the presentation of exotic species into development in the nineteenth century, horticulturists have delivered in excess of 100,000 cross breeds and cultivars.

what is the effect of orchids to tree? -


2. what is the interaction between the orchid and a tree?​

The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism.

i think hehe

3. 3. Interaction between the orchids and tree​


commensalismhope it's help

correct me if I'm wrong

4. which of the following correctly describes the relationship between an orchid and a tree​


A parasitic relationship helps one of the species involved in the relationship but harms the other organism. The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants.


5. 1. What are the two organisms that you see in the picture? 2. Does the orchid benefits from the tree? 3. Does the tree benefits from the orchid? 4. Is the tree harmed by the orchid? 5. What benefits does an orchid get from the tree? 6. What type of interaction these organisms have? 7. What is the effect of the interaction between the orchid and the tree to the environment?​


1.A Tree and an Orchid



4.No,orchids do not harm the trees they grow in. Their roots stay on the bark of the tree; they do not take water or nutrients from the tree.

5.They get more sunlight and are more easily

visited by the moths which pollinate them. Also,because they are up high, the wind can more easily catch and spread their tiny seeds

6. Commensalism

7.The orchid gets benefited while the tree gets nothing from the interaction

6. 3. Which of the following correctly describes therelationship between an orchid and a tree?A. The orchid is benefitted while the tree is harmedB. The orchid is harmed while the tree is benefittedC. The orchid is benefitted while the tree is unaffectedD. The orchid and tree both benefit from therelationship​


D. The orchid and tree both benefit from the



D po sng sagot kooo


Hope its helpppppp

7. 14. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between an orchid and atree?A. The orchid is benefited while tree is harmedB. The orchid is harmed while the tree is benefittedC. The orchid is benefited while the tree is unaffectedD The orchid and the tree both benefits from the relationship​


14. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between an orchid and a


B. The orchid is harmed while the tree is benefitted

8. Type of interaction of orchids and a branch of a tree??Give a interaction.​



an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.

9. what is the interaction of orchid and tree branch​


see answer below


What is the interaction of orchid and tree branch

  - The helpful relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be appointed commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which infer that that they create on various plants. This benefits the orchids since they can create on top of the covering, which holds the orchids back from being walked around or eaten by ground-remaining living creatures. By filling in the tree tops, tree appendages and trunks of a tree in a heat and humidity the orchid is more prepared to utilize the sunshine. The tree lifts the by and large little plant up off the ground and high up so it can show up at the sunlight. This helps the orchid with persevering through the thick covering conditions of the tropical boondocks.


10. 1. An orchid growing on a tree is an example of commensalism. Which of the following statements describe this type of interaction? A. The orchid benefits while the tree is harmed. B. The tree benefits while the orchid is harmed. C. The orchid benefits while the tree is not harmed. D. Both the orchid and the tree benefit from each other.​


An orchid growing on a tree is an example of commensalism. Which of the following statements describe this type of interaction?


A. The orchid benefits while the tree is harmed.

B. The tree benefits while the orchid is harmed.

C. The orchid benefits while the tree is not harmed.

D. Both the orchid and the tree benefit from each other.[tex]\small\huge\colorbox{pink}{Explanation:}[/tex]

Orchids are epiphytes and this means that they grow on other plants. The main benefit that the orchid receives from the tree is nutrition. Orchids take nitrogen, water, and minerals from the host tree. They do this by getting all of this from decaying organic matter on the host tree.

11. BDoes the orchid harm the tree as it cling to it? Yes orNo and why?What benefit does the orchid get from the tree?How about the tree, what does it get from theorchid?How do you call this type of interaction between theorchid and the tree?Describe the relationship of the two organisms.pasagot plssss follow Kita ​


yes because orchids lives on the tree



A parasitic relationship helps one of the species involved in the relationship but harms the other organism. The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants.



13. how about do you call this type of interaction between the orchid an the tree

It is called commensalism, its when one benefits and the other has neither benefits nor harm

14. What are the interactions that exist among organisms in the tropical rainforests? Discuss the relationship or interaction between an orchid and a tree in a tropical rainforest ecosystem What will happen if producers will decrease in a rainforest's ecosystem?Are these interactions important in the ecosystem? Why?​


What are the interactions that exist among organisms in the tropical rainforests?

Unlike temperate forests where many plants are wind-pollinated, most tropical rain forest plants rely upon animals for pollination. Insects, birds and mammals pollinate the plants inadvertently by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their quest for food (nectar and/or pollen).

Discuss the relationship or interaction between an orchid and a tree in a tropical rainforest ecosystem

While the relationship between orchids and trees is a form of symbiosis, it is not mutualism, where both parties benefit. Instead it is what is known as commensalism, when one party benefits and the other is unaffected.

What will happen if producers will decrease in a rainforest's ecosystem?

They would starve and die unless they could move to another habitat. All the other animals in the food web would die too, because their food supplies would have gone. The populations of the consumers would fall as the population of the producer fell.

Are these interactions important in the ecosystem? Why?

Reason on why interaction is important is because it controls the population of living organisms. A predator is a living organism that hunts other living organisms for food and a prey is a living organism that is hunted by predators.

Individual organisms live together in an ecosystem and depend on one another. In fact, they have many different types of interactions with each other, and many of these interactions are critical for their survival. ... One category of interactions describes the different ways organisms obtain their food and energy.

15. Guide questions: 2. Does the orchid benefits from the tree? 3. Does the tree benefits from the orchid? 4. Is the tree harmed by the orchid? 5. What benefits does an orchid get from the tree? 6. What type of interaction these organisms have? 7. What is the effect of the interaction between the orchid and the tree to the environment?​


1. The main benefit that the orchid receives from the tree is nutrition

2. Orchids are epiphytes and this means that they grow on other plants. The main benefit that the orchid receives from the tree is nutrition. Orchids take nitrogen, water, and minerals from the host tree. They do this by getting all of this from decaying organic matter on the host tree.

3. They get more sunlight and are more easily visited by the moths which pollinate them.

4. Orchids do not harm the trees they grow in. Their roots stay on the bark of the tree; they do not take water or nutrients from the tree.


6.There are five types of interactions between different species as listed below:Competition & Predation.•Commensalism.•Parasitism.•Mutualism.•Amensalism.

7.The orchids benefit in several ways. They get more sunlight and are more easily visited by the moths which pollinate them

Explanition: I hope it can help :)

16. Which of the following correctly describes the relationshil between an orchid and a tree? A. The orchid is benefitted while the tree is harmed. B. The orchid is harmed while the tree is benefitted C. The orchid is benifited while the tree is unaffected D. The orchid and the tree both benefit from relationship

The answer is C. The orchid is benefited while the tree is unaffected.

17. 1. What effect does the interaction between an orchid and a tree brings.A. Tree provides home for the orchid.B. Orchid beautifies the surrounding.C. A and B are correct.​


letter C


A parasitic relationship helps one of the species involved in the relationship but harms the other organism. The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants.

18. discuss the relationship or interaction between an orchid and a tree and a tropical rainforest ecosystem​


the orchid is living on an tree


sorry kailangan ko lng po ng points

19. Describe the interaction that exist between organism and their environment________1.Snake and rat________2.Bee and a flower________3.Orchid and tree________4. Mosquito and human skin________5. Goat and grass​







20. what is the interaction of an orchid to a tree​


The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants.


A parasitic relationship helps one of the species involved in the relationship but harms the other organism. The symbiotic relationship that occurs between an orchid and a tree would be classified as commensalism. Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants.


Hope it help



Orchids are epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants). ... Orchids do not harm the trees they grow in. Their roots stay on the bark of the tree; they do not take water or nutrients from the tree.

22. Guide questions: 1. What are the two organisms that you see in the picture? 2. Does the orchid benefits from the tree? 3. Does the tree benefits from the orchid? 4. Is the tree harmed by the orchid? 5. What benefits does an orchid get from the tree? 6. What type of interaction these organisms have? 7. What is the effect of the interaction between the orchid and the tree to the environment?​


1.A Tree and an Orchid



4.No,orchids do not harm the trees they

grow in. Their roots stay on the bark

of the tree; they do not take water

or nutrients from the tree.

5.They get

more sunlight and are more easily

visited by the moths which pollinate

them. Also, because they are up

high, the wind can more easily

catch and spread their tiny seeds

6. Commensalism


23. Guide questions: 2. Does the orchid benefits from the tree? 3. Does the tree benefits from the orchid? 4. Is the tree harmed by the orchid? 5. What benefits does an orchid get from the tree? 6. What type of interaction these organisms have? 7. What is the effect of the interaction between the orchid and the tree to the environment?​






sana makatulong

24. What is the interaction between the following animaispaints and human.19. Orchids to treeA. PredationB. competitionC.mutualismD. parasitism​


D. parasitism


I hope you can help

25. 14. What interaction exist between the orchids in a tree? A. Competition B. Commensalism C. Parasitism D. Mutualism​


B. commensalism


The relationship that can be seen between the orchid and trees is referred to as commensalism.


26. Guide questions: 1. What are the two organisms that you see in the picture? 2. Does the orchid benefits from the tree? 3. Does the tree benefits from the orchid? 4. Is the tree harmed by the orchid? 5. What benefits does an orchid get from the tree? 6. What type of interaction these organisms have? 7. What is the effect of the interaction between the orchid and the tree to the environment?​


1.A Tree and an Orchid



4.No,orchids do not harm the trees they grow in. Their roots stay on the bark of the tree; they do not take water or nutrients from the tree.

5.They get more sunlight and are more easily

visited by the moths which pollinate them. Also,because they are up high, the wind can more easily catch and spread their tiny seeds

6. Commensalism

7.The orchid gets benefited while the tree gets nothing from the interaction

27. Study the chart below. Complete yours in the second coloumn. Write the correc-EffecInteraction1SCMIASOMEL Orchids to tree:Tree to orchids:​



Interactions Among Organisms



Let's Identify the answer

Tree To Orchid



Effect's Of Interaction:

The orchid is benefited by having a place to the tree while the tree is doesn't but the tree is unharmed


-The relationship between them is Commensalism rather than Competition the tree provides a place for the orchid but they don't compete for nutrients which makes the relationship Commensalism

Types Of Interaction:


-It is a close relationship in which one or both organisms obtain a benefit


-It is an interaction in which one organism captures it and harm it or even eat it


-It is when organisms compete for the same

resources and can occur within or between species


-It is a close relationship in which one or both organisms obtain a benefit while other is unharmed


-A close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life

type of interaction sign effect's:

mutualism +/+

commensalism +/0

competition -/-

predation & parasitism +/-

28. EffectInteractionPietureMSCMIASOMEL Orchids to tree:Tree to orchids:​




ORCHIDS TO TREE:Gives financial help or alternative to stay helthy the ecosystem.

TREE TOO ORCHIDS:Although all the organisms are lose habitan without a tree except even though organism lives habitan without a tree.Sun and oxeygen needed the organism without a tree.Tree cannot hold roots that comes from energy of one thing


Sana po makatulong

29. Lesson 2 COMMENSALISM What's More Activity 4: You are my Home! Examples Interactions Orchid and TreeOrganism A(Host)Organism B (Commensal) Describe the relationship that exists between the organisms ​


The orchid benefits while the tree is not affected or harmed

30. 8. In an interaction between orchids in a tree, what organism is being benefited?A. orchidB. free C. bothD. none​



Most orchids are epiphytes, which mean that that they grow on other plants. This benefits the orchids because they can grow on top of the canopy, which prevents the orchids from being walked on or eaten by ground-dwelling organisms


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