Push And Pull Theory In Tourism

Push And Pull Theory In Tourism

Push-pull is a popular theory to explain the reason why the tourists decide to visit the destination rather than other place, the kind of experience they want to get and the type of activity they want to do.How is the knowledge on push/pull relevant in managing tourism and hospitality activities?​

Daftar Isi

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2. stakeholder theory in tourism


The management view of the stakeholder theory indicates that all stake- holder groups should be involved in the en- tire tourism development process. ... The present visitors can be described as any individuals or groups that are current tourists in a community.

3. the relevance of stakeholder theory in the south african tourism industry


the relevance of stakeholder theory in the south african tourism industry is the gap that exists between the rich and poor as well as mistrust that is present between tourism businesses and civil society due to the legacy of apartheid

4. What development theory is most significant to the economic situation of the tourism industry of the Philippines today?

Beyond the impasse: A new paradigm

5. 5. Compare ecotourism with sustainable tourism, community-based tourism, nature-based tourism, cultural tourism, and agritourism.​


pa brainly ngo nalang po

6. the theory that states that tourism and hospitality need the support of the other industries​


The hospitality industry uses elements from traditional management theory as well as best practices based on industry-specific experience. ... Many best practices in hospitality reflect broader social and economic trends and seek to reduce the way in which hotels are considered interchangeable by consumers.



7. Compare ecotourism with sustainable tourism, community-based tourism, natured-based tourism, cultural tourism, and agritourism.​




hello kamusta po kyu dyan ano po work niyu jan okey lng po kayu gayna


lakong alam sa global na yn


Examining the factors that affect the tourist's decisions to travel.

10. Form of tourism that advocates the protectionand preservation of natural resources.a. Educational Tourism b. Ecotourismc. Disaster Tourism d. dark Tourism​




Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving responsible travel to natural areas,conserving the environment.and improving the well being of local people.

Yun lamang po :)

11. Differentiate Coastal Tourism and Urban Tourism.​


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Wala bang matinong sagot

12. Tourism to control impacts of tourism and hospitality​


The economic effects of tourism include improved tax revenue and personal income, increased standards of living, and more employment opportunities. Sociocultural impacts are associated with interactions between people with differing cultural backgrounds, attitudes and behaviors, and relationships to material goods.

Regulatory measures help offset negative impacts; for instance, controls on the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of the site. Such limits can also reduce the negative impacts on resources.

13. Directions: Identity which of the terms about tourism corresponds the definition written below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before the number. 1. The type of tourism that the people who visits are not the residents/locals of the country. a. Outbound Tourism b. Inbound Tourism. c.Domestic Tourism 2. The type of tourism that the people who visits are residents of that country. a. Outbound Tourism b. Inbound Tourism c.Domestic Tourism 3. The type of tourism that the residents of a country visit another country. a. Outbound Tourism b. Inbound Tourismc.Domestic Tourism 4. It is a type of tourism where tourists are involved in the way of life of the locals, knowing their heritage, traditions, having a taste of their foods, using and appreciating the local products as well as celebrating events.a. Cultural Tourism b.Historical Tourismc. Religious Tourism5. It is the type of tourism where travelers explore places to experience the taste of their native delicacies. a. Culinary Tourism b. Recreational Tourism c. Religious tourism6. It is a kind of tourism where the tourists' main goal is to visit historical sites or c. Religious Tourism attractions of a place or country. a. Historical Tourism b. Cultural Tourismc. Religious Tourism7. Attractions like amusement parks, zoo, botanical gardens, resorts, beaches, malls, theaters, and many others, while relaxing and bonding with their family and friends is called. a. Recreational Tourism b. Medical Tourism c. Culinary Tourism 8. Jane lives in Pampanga. She goes to visit her parents in Iloilo in summer. What type of tourism being describe in the situation? a. Outbound Tourism b. Inbound Tourism c. Domestic Tourism 9. Jewel lives in United States of America and she is taking a holiday in Boracay. What type of tourism being describe in the situation? a. Inbound Tourism b. Outbound Tourism c. Domestic Tourism 10. Reyes family lives in Thailand. They are going to visit our country Philippines. a. Domestic Tourism - b. Inbound Tourismc. Outbound Tourism

1. B










sana naka tulong :)

14. VII. Reflection1. What is the difference between Inbound tourism and Outbound Tourism? 2. What is Domestic Tourism? 3. What is Tourism?​

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1.inbound tourism means visits to a country by visitors who are not residents of that country. outbound tourism means visits by residents of a country outside that country.

2.Domestic tourism is tourism involving residents of one country traveling only within that country. A domestic holiday is a vacation spent in the same country; in British English this may also be called a staycation. 

3.Turism is travel for pleasure or business; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. 

15. Exercises A. Identify the different variables in the following theories: 1. Social Exchange Theory 2 Tourism Area Life Cycle 3. Product Life Cycle 4. Doxey's Irridex Model 5. LODGQUAL Model​

Social Exchange Theory - variables include rewards, costs, outcomes, expectations, norms, and social comparison. Tourism Area Life Cycle - variables include stages of development, economic impact, tourist volume, environmental impact, and political influence.Product Life Cycle - variables include introduction, growth, maturity, decline, and sales. Doxey's Irridex Model - variables include psychocentricity, allocentricity, and destination image. LODGQUAL Model - variables include tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and perceived service quality.


Social Exchange Theory: According to this idea, people evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a social trade before deciding whether to participate in it. According to the Social Exchange Theory, people evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a social exchange before deciding whether to participate in it. Results are what happened as a result of the exchange, expectations are what was expected to happen, norms are the rules of conduct that govern social interactions, and social comparison is the process of comparing oneself to others in order to assess one's own social standing.Tourism Area Life Cycle: According to this theory, tourist sites go through a number of development phases. According to the model for the life cycle of a tourism area, tourist destinations go through different stages of growth. The number of tourists traveling to a location is referred to as tourist volume, the impact of tourism on the environment is referred to as the impact of tourism on the local environment, and political influence is referred to as the part that politics plays in the growth of the tourism industry.Product Life Cycle: According to this theory, items go through numerous stages before they start to degrade. The Product Life Cycle concept contends that products go through a number of stages before declining. The phases are initiation, development, maturation, and decline. Sales are the quantity of units sold at each stage.Doxey's Irridex Model: According to this theory, a traveler's psychocentricity or allocentricity determines their attitudes and conduct. The psychocentricity or allocentricity of tourists may influence their attitudes and behaviour, according to Doxey's Irridex Model. Allocentric travelers favor new and varied places, while psychocentric travelers favor well-known, classic sites. The perception a tourist has of a destination is known as the destination image.LODGQUAL Model: A framework for assessing service quality in the hotel sector is provided by this theory. The hotel sector uses the LODGQUAL Model as a framework for assessing service quality. The factors include tangibles, which refer to the actual facilities and equipment, reliability, which refers to the consistency of the service, responsiveness, which refers to the promptness of the service, assurance, which refers to the competence and dependability of the service provider, empathy, which refers to the degree of care and attention given by the service provider, and perceived service quality, which refers to the customer's overall opinion of the service.

In conclusion, each theory has a unique set of parameters that it uses to analyze or explain various events.

Learn more about Product Life Cycle:


Learn more about Destination Life Cycle:



16. Give 1 example of each Form of Tourism that can be found in the Philippines.1. Dark Tourism:2. Festival Tourism:3. Event Tourism:4. Nautical Tourism:5. Space Tourism:6. Medical Tourism:7. Adventure Tourism:​


6.Medical tourism


Guess rigth or not

17. Examine the goals and strategies of the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan. What theory of tourism development do you think best describes it?​

English classical development theory suggests that the development of tourism is based on the real estate market development. Marx's theory of development argues that tourism can act as a catalyst of economic, social, and political processes.

The National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) for year 2016-2022 calls for “Investing in a Competitive and Inclusive Tourism.” And the vision is to “Develop a highly competitive, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible tourism that promotes inclusive growth through employment generation and equitable

18. describe mass tourism, alternative, tourism, responsible tourism cultural tourism and adventure tourism​


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19. These are the elements of the tourism product that pulls people to destination. A destination attraction B Accessibility C destination facilities D Images​



makagawa sa ltfrb at least I forward to your


A. destination attraction


Attraction sector – these are nature provided or built resources used for tourism product development. There are three main types of attractions:

i) Natural attraction – are nature provided public utilities like oceans, lakes, mountains, beaches, climate, wildlife, rivers etc.

20. What are the relationship of tourism planning, tourism policy and tourism product development ?

that's my answer thanks

21. Summarize and discuss the focal points or points of the five theories of tourism development

Tourism development theories were largely focused only on tourists' needs.


The social aspects of tourism are associated with the provisions, which the tourism makes necessary to be design based on the needs of various social groups and their interactions with the society and economic processes (Inskeep, 1994).


22. explain tourism and international tourism?​


International tourism refers to tourism that crosses national borders. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".


beach CA USA and Canada and Australia New Zealand and the other day I would die due to covid19

23. Discuss the theory of absolute advantage, using the Tourism industries in the Philippines as your center of discussion.​



24. tourism livelihood and tourism


Tourism contributes towards complete growth and development of a country: one, by bringing numerous economic value & benefits; and, second, helping in build country's brand value, image & identity. Tourism industry goes beyond attractive destinations, to being an important economic growth contributor.

25. define inbound tourism,outbound tourism and domestic tourism


domestic tourism means visits within a country by visitors who are residents of that country. inbound tourism means visits to a country by visitors who are not residents of that country. outbound tourism means visits by residents of a country outside that country.


hope it helps

26. Discuss the theory of absolute advantage, using the Tourism industries in the Philippines as your center of discussion.​


Wala po bang


picture para masagotan

27. Compare and contrast the Philippine tourism master plan of 1991-2011 with the National Tourism Development Plan of 2011-2016 in terms of tourism planning platform and theories


Tourism Development Plan 2011-2016 formulated in 2010 by the Department ... Philippine Tourism Industry Profile ... In support of the National Cruise Tourism Strategic Plan, designated.



28. What is Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and tourism Industryn? ​


Entrepreneurship is the creation or extraction of value. With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, generally entailing risk beyond what is normally encountered in starting a business, which may include other values than simply economic ones.

Tourism is travel for pleasure or business; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours

Tourism industry therefore can be defined as the set of industries which facilitate by providing infrastructure and products and services and make possible travelling for different purposes and travelling to places of leisure and business interests.

29. what are the tourism model of tourism marketing​


This sustainable tourism model consists of several documents – guidelines – that have been drafted as documentation of experience in the process of building a sustainable tourism destination: tourism product development, event organization, marketing, visitor monitoring and other tasks.

30. comparison of tourism demand and tourism supply​


Tourism demand is the total number of persons who travel or wish to travel to use the tourist facilities away from their places of work and residence. ( Mathieson and Wall, 1982) Tourism is a dynamic field.

The tourism supply of an industry is derived by summing the value of tourism products sold by the tourism industry to the tourists It takes into account accommodation services, food, transport, and other retail sales.

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