He s There In The Dark He s There In My Heart

He s There In The Dark He s There In My Heart

mayOTeacher TravelGrade SudDirectional read the pattung selections or paragraphs und demer feeling te reflected, etrete the letter of your anAntara todo tubond standbypution and to codo de estosthom he went on hel ng the neonor of won Laser she was the restenin langar 1945 she was shot death by the onea telan anahappy blear and angerhelp2 alloper naved exclamedler mother whoever heard of aanSan maquins to play the vicinina mall town places Clupeikatinein well known planes all over the world but he is really coming investedive me umeanMi rabaran letter to una relax andhappy happy and exclled brave and conna a toon and arointyDanialwasalinghiton Bul after graduating from elementary is rather diedingenaccident His mother said that he could no longer continue studying Dawoodnuing hul ummer vacation he decided to san manor He worked at holpernatunturthop. He saved every centavo be eamed. Soon the vacation is overo sadness and hope bear andievc.excitement and sadnes doney and online"You are my queen Bella I dream dreams about you. I want you to be the mother ofchildren Tell me my dreams are not in vainb. humilitya LoveI adorationo intations, the fire continues to spread to the nearby houses. People are shouting They are runningwith their heavy boos of things they can to solet places while the firemented at themeans to put out the fired. tensione satisfactionb. Toitha leal6. It was dark moonless night in the distance. Joseph heard the howing of a dog and his heartboat last.d. orelessb boredomdonga fearfulc. lonely7. There is a special occasion. Do come to class on time for once in your life. You are the world'schampion in unpunctualitya. sympathetic b. cheerfulnessc. proud8. Tito sighed. He had to remind himself that Mr. Reyes was his master and that he hadpromised to do whatever he commandedo gratitudeb. sympathyCempathy​

Daftar Isi

1. mayOTeacher TravelGrade SudDirectional read the pattung selections or paragraphs und demer feeling te reflected, etrete the letter of your anAntara todo tubond standbypution and to codo de estosthom he went on hel ng the neonor of won Laser she was the restenin langar 1945 she was shot death by the onea telan anahappy blear and angerhelp2 alloper naved exclamedler mother whoever heard of aanSan maquins to play the vicinina mall town places Clupeikatinein well known planes all over the world but he is really coming investedive me umeanMi rabaran letter to una relax andhappy happy and exclled brave and conna a toon and arointyDanialwasalinghiton Bul after graduating from elementary is rather diedingenaccident His mother said that he could no longer continue studying Dawoodnuing hul ummer vacation he decided to san manor He worked at holpernatunturthop. He saved every centavo be eamed. Soon the vacation is overo sadness and hope bear andievc.excitement and sadnes doney and online"You are my queen Bella I dream dreams about you. I want you to be the mother ofchildren Tell me my dreams are not in vainb. humilitya LoveI adorationo intations, the fire continues to spread to the nearby houses. People are shouting They are runningwith their heavy boos of things they can to solet places while the firemented at themeans to put out the fired. tensione satisfactionb. Toitha leal6. It was dark moonless night in the distance. Joseph heard the howing of a dog and his heartboat last.d. orelessb boredomdonga fearfulc. lonely7. There is a special occasion. Do come to class on time for once in your life. You are the world'schampion in unpunctualitya. sympathetic b. cheerfulnessc. proud8. Tito sighed. He had to remind himself that Mr. Reyes was his master and that he hadpromised to do whatever he commandedo gratitudeb. sympathyCempathy​






I hope it's help

2. Out, Out by Robert Frost The buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard And made dust and dropped stove-length sticks of wood, Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it And from there those that lifted eyes could count Five mountain ranges one behind the other Under the sunset far into Vermont. And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled, As it ran light, or had to bear a load. And nothing happened: day was all but done, Call it a day, I wish they might have said To please the boy by giving him the half hour That a boy counts so much when saved from work. His sister stood beside them in her apron To tell them "Supper." At the word, the saw, As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, Leaped out at the boy's hand, or seemed to leap- y He must have given the hand. However it was, Neither refused the meeting. But the hand! at The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh, As he swung toward them holding up the hand Half in appeal, but half as if to keep A The life from spilling. Then the boy saw all- Since he was old enough to know, big boy it Doing a man's work, though a child at heart- all He saw all spoiled. "Don't let him cut my hand off- The doctor, when he comes. Don't let him, sister!" n So. But the hand was gone already. e The doctor put him in the dark of ether. S, He lay and puffed his lips out with his breath. ed And then the watcher at his pulse took fright. $; No one believed. They listened at his heart. Little-less-nothing! --and that ended it. art No more to build on there. And they, since they Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs. 1. What happens in this poem? 2. What do you think Frost is trying to say with this poem? 3. "Out, out" is a reference to Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Explain the reference.​


The poem is the short of the story and love it

3. ACTIVITY: Write A if the statement is an Angle or S if the statement is a Setting. ____1. He went to the gold mines everyday for three years before succumbing to his illness. Back then, people believed they will get rich if they find gold. So much has changed for the past 50 years. ____2. You will never understand pain as much as I did. Imagine your brain telling you to that you will never be worthy of anything. This is my life. This is depression. ____3. I am a sinner. Of course, I am. But I never chose this life. This town, the owners, the slaves – they made me who I am. I gambled and robbed and destroyed lives and you don’t know what I am talking about, Officer Lambert! ____4. It was snowing that November. The castle was dark and cold. The grand priest poured soup on the ground from the boiled pork. The thick steam that warmed my heart quickly disappeared when I saw the orphans begged the grand priest for leftovers. ____5. I will never understand teachers who fail my other classmates. Students are supposed to study, yes. But aren’t teachers supposed to teach? No one taught me! I only have a bunch of papers begging me to answer them.

1a 2s 3a 4a 5s ayan po


1. S

2. A

3. A

4. S

5. A


correct me if my answer is wrong


4. 8:43 N There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born of Zeus and a Titan named Mnem over a different art or science. Calliope, one of these sisters, was the inspiration of pa the mother of Orpheus (a mortal because his father was one) and gave to her son a ren Orpheus [played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. Men ar when they gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts lay down as if they were tame notes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and the rivers changed their directions to hec Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were marri many years of happiness together. But soon after, Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snc Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to overcome his longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to follow her to the underworld. He- has ever been there before, but I must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will ch with my music and win Eurydice's release. O: 0.73 KB/S 7 HOC LOW O ... ...| 24% He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that led to the underwo river Styx, he plucked his lyre and Charon, the ferryman, was so charmed that he struck his lyre again, and Cereberus, the fierce three headed dog who guarded music and lay still to let him pass. Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through the gla cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus, who had been condemned to roll a ro fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who had been sentenced to stand in a pool of recec quench his thirst. And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped to At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, king and quee they could order him to leave, he began his gentle song, pleading for Eurydice. When stern Hades heard Orpheus's song, he began to weep. Cold Persephone first time in all her months in the underworld, her heart melted. "Oh please, my husband," she said to Hades, "let Eurydice been reunited with O And Hades replied, "I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse him. They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and turned to "Wait!" said Hades to Orpheus. "Eurydice is yours to take back to earth on on "What is that?" asked Orpheus. Reference: She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are on earth. "I understand," said Orpheus. "And I am forever grateful." Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way through the upper world. At last they reached the cave through which Orpheus had desce "I can see daylight ahead," called Orpheus to Eurydice. "We are almost heard him, and so she did not answer. Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He caught o arms stretched out to him. And then she disappeared, swallowed up by darkness. "Farewell," he heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it. A alone. He sang his sad songs to the rocks and the trees and longed for the time wh reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld . Directions: Go back to the story and answer the following questions below. 1). Who are the characters of the story? List each one and describe their roles. 2). What is the story's setting? When and where did the events take place? 3). What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? 4). What was his weakness? 5.) What effect did Orpheus` music have on people and Gods? Cite two examp 6). Describe Orpheus' journey as he travels to the underworld. Who did he meet 7). Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife from the underworld? 8.) Describe Hades in the story. Was he being just by imposing such conditions or 9). Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him? What happ 10). What part of the story was the most emotionally exciting and left you wonderi 11). What conflict exists in the story?12). What is the story's point of view? 13). How would you describe the author's tone?14). How did the story make you feel during and after reading it?15). What do you think the story's primary message is?​


you'll just read it


hopes it hepl

5. EXERCISE 1 (Day 1)Directions: After learning the different parts of a story's plot, try completing thestory map illustrated here by writing the important events from the plot for eachnumber. Write your answer on your notebook.A NIGHT AT BENNY'SCONE BINo one answered. The whole house was blacker than octopus ink. Alongthehall we groped, into the lounge. Benny flickered a switch on the wall. Nolight."Felicity!" Benny called again. No reply. It was spooky, just like being in a hauntedhouse at midnight on Halloween. I reached out and touched Benny. He screamed"Don't do that!" he roared.We stood together in the hall, listening. We heard nothing but the sound of ourown panting breath. Shadowy figures loomed up in the dark. My heart poundedfaster than a prize-fighter's glove in a little fight."Ghosts!" | squealed, pointing at the advancing shadows."Help!" shrieked Benny.We turned and ran. The ghosts grabbed us. For ghosts, they sure hit hard. Theyhit so hard we were knocked to the ground. The laughed as they clouted us: onetwo, one two."I told you I'd get even with you," panted Felicity.By the time Graham turned the electricity back on at the fuse box outside, Bennyand I had recovered... sort of. Felicity threatened to dab us in if we didn't go tobed, so we went.PAN-STSource: A Night at Benny's by Dianne BatesCore English & Mathematics​


story map of a night at bennys

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