Conventional Redemption

Conventional Redemption

Why is Jesus redemptive act enough for our redemption?​

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1. Why is Jesus redemptive act enough for our redemption?​


One of Jesus’ purposes in descending to earth was to redeem His people. In Heaven, a new song of worship will be sung praising the Son of God’s sacrificial actions for His people.

Redemption is the act of gaining possession of something in exchange for payment of a debt. Jesus, God the Son, suffered the penalty of the sins of all mankind on the Cross so that those who believe in Him would be reunited with God the Father. Many describe this redemption as the Divine Exchange.

This is the gospel in its simplicity: Jesus takes everything that I am, just as I am, while I receive everything that He is. Jesus’ death in exchange for my life. Everyone must make a choice to either accept or reject Jesus as Savior. There is no middle ground – the middle ground belongs to the enemy.

For believers, reconciliation with God through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is our ultimate gift. But through Jesus’ redemption we gain so much more. Whenever believers reflect upon the gift of salvation, we should also reflect on the marvelous freedoms we have in Jesus.

Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom from the guilt, condemnation, and shame of our sin.

Jesus has seized our sin and taken it upon Himself. All sins – past, present, and future. We are made new creations on our day of salvation. God only sees the righteousness of Jesus in us. Once the Divine Exchange is made, it is an eternal security. Jesus will never repossess His gift of salvation, nor should we repossess the guilt and shame of sin for which Jesus has already suffered dearly.


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom from seeking to earn God’s favor.

Jesus’ redemption, along with our faith in Him, is a gift of God. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s righteousness or forgiveness. Our salvation is not tied to our behavior, attitude, or compliance with religious rules or traditions. We surrender ourselves to Jesus just as we are and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from the inside out.      


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom from seeking approval and acceptance from people.

The gospel of Jesus breaks our addiction to people. When we drown ourselves in Jesus Christ our life, strength, and confidence will only be found in Him. Our hearts must be so full of Jesus that there is no room for anyone to take His place.


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom from fear, worry, and anxiety.  

Grounding our lives in Jesus’ truths in His Word gives us the confidence to trust God’s will and control of our lives. We can surrender our desire to know all the details and possible outcome, because we trust God who is in control of our world.


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom to forgive, love our enemies, and bless those who persecute us.

We don’t have to be the judge of those who hurt us, because we trust that God is fair, righteous, and loves us dearly. When faced with sins against us, we remember Jesus’ brutal suffering on the Cross for every sin ever committed so that all, even our enemies, might be saved. Our forgiveness and love just may be the light God will use to draw them nearer to Him.


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom to fail and still know we are loved deeply.    

Our failure does not sever our relationship with God, nor does it rescind our salvation. God chose us from the beginning of eternity to be His, knowing our frailties and limitations.  Because of God’s great love for us, He can use all that we are and all that we aren’t for His glory.


Jesus’ redemption grants us freedom to live a life of hope and love.

Even though our world, our culture, our economy, and people change… our God doesn’t. We can have hope in Him even in the midst of chaos and crisis. This world is not our home, so our hope cannot be entangled in it. We live in the eternal hope of a life spent in Heaven, free of pain, sadness, chaos, and sin.


hope this helps

2. what is redemption ?​


The definition of redemption is the act of exchanging something for money or goods. ... Redemption is defined as the act of correcting a past wrong. An example of redemption is someone working hard for new clients to improve his reputation.

3. Achilles redemption?​


The tale of Achilles in the Iliad encompasses this theme of redemption by exhibiting both sacrifice, and freedom. Achilles is freed of his anger, pride, and selfish motives. ... Achilles' redemption was first shown when he decides to put away his anger and rage.



Therefore, Achilles neglects the peaceful life his shield puts forward and instead he picks up his weapons and rushes into the battle ready to redeem himself by killing Hector


#ShinjiVerified (Brainliest is appreciated but not required)

4. The "redemption story" of Robert Downey, jr​


As we all know, Robert Downey Jr is one of the biggest stars out right now. With the success of playing Tony Stark/ Iron Man in the MCU, he has got rid of his label as box office poison and has turned a B-character from Marvel comics into box office gold.

With his wit and charm as Stark, we as audiences fell for the once cocky character that only cared about himself turn his life around and became a man that eventually gave his life for the greater good in Avengers: Endgame.

Watching him die felt like losing a family member. We had watched this character grow before our eyes for 11 years. I was 24 when the first Iron Man came out. So being 35 and going through many trials and tribulations in my own life, I could relate to certain things Tony was going through.

It was a true story of redemption. Plus it’s ironic when you think about it because the Iron Man character very much has many similarities because Robert Downey very much has her personal demons on full display for the world to see.

( One reason why he played the character so well. )

Think about it.

Robert Downey Jr. grew up with a dad that was a director. So with the fact he had firsthand knowledge of how movies get made at a young age and his god given talent, you could see from early on he was destined to be in front of the camera with performances like in Less Than Zero and Chances Are.

But on the same token, he was already dabbling with drugs.

5. Find the redemption value of ₱ 50,000.00 *​



Step-by-step explanation:

pa tama nalang po kung mali

6. what is the denotation of redemption​


VARIABLE NOUNRedemption is the act of redeeming something or of being redeemed by something.[formal]He craves redemption for his sins. ...redemption of the loan. [+ of] ...regional differences in the frequency of cash redemptions and quota payment. Synonyms: paying-off, clearing, squaring, honouring


from collins dictionary


7. what are the effects of christ redemption?​



God loves you and has a plan for you.

The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him shall not die, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”  

— a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).

2. YOU

We are sinful and separated from God.

We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.”

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23).


God sent Jesus to die for your sins.

This is the good news:

Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.

“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!

“Jesus Christ died for our sins. … He was buried. … He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Jesus is the only way to God.

Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).


God loves you and has a plan for you.

Praying is simply talking to God. He knows you. What matters is the attitude of your heart, your honesty.  

Pray a prayer like this to accept Jesus as your Savior:

“Jesus Christ,

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Thank you for dying on the Cross for me, set me free from all my sins and forgive me today. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Be with me forever.

Thank you Jesus!”


8. The vendee a retro can refuse partial redemption


ano grade


tanong lang po

9. conotative meaning of redemption​


Redemption is the buying back of something. You might try for redemption by attempting to buy back a bike you sold, or you might attempt to buy back your soul after you steal someone else’s bike.

Redemption comes from the Latin word redimere, a combination of re(d)-, meaning “back,” and emere, meaning “buy.” Redemption is what some people claim happens to your soul when you're saved from evil forces. You might pray for redemption — to the tooth fairy, to Zeus, or to some other kind of invisible being — in the hopes that an all-powerful being can save your soul. Redemption can also refer to the repayment of a debt.


Definitions of redemption


 the act of purchasing back something previously sold

synonyms:buyback, repurchase

type of:purchase

the acquisition of something for payment


 repayment of the principal amount of a debt or security at or before maturity (as when a corporation repurchases its own stock)

type of:quittance, repayment

payment of a debt or obligation


 (theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil


types:show 6 types...type of:deliverance, delivery, rescue, saving

recovery or preservation from loss or danger

10. Redemptive movements



11. Burke dramatism pentad and guilt redemption

Kenneth Burke initially established dramatism as a method for understanding the social uses of language. An examination of Burke's major rhetorical concepts—identification, the definition of the human being, the concept of reality, and terms for order—reveals the epistemology of his dramatism as a marriage of paradox and metaphor. However, recently Burke has shifted dramatism towards a philosophy. Three shifts establish a dramatism based upon “act,”; not the tension between “action”; and “motion,”; dramatism that employs language “literally,”; rather than exploiting its ambiguity, and dramatism that is more “reality”; oriented rather than the link that orders and relates “reality”; to our abstract values.

12. how God did initiated the first redemption?​


In the book of Exodus, God is the essential worker. The nature and intent of that divine work set the agenda for Moses’ work and through him, the work of God’s people. God’s initial call to Moses included an explanation of God’s work. This drove Moses to speak in the name of the Lord to Pharaoh saying, “Let my people go” (Exod. 5:1). Pharaoh’s rebuttal was not merely verbal; he oppressed the Israelites more harshly than before. By the end of this episode, even the Israelites themselves had turned against Moses (Exod. 5:20-21). It is at this crucial point that in response to Moses’ questioning God about the entire enterprise, God clarified the design of his work. What we read here in Exodus 6:2-8 pertains not only to the immediate context of Israel’s oppression in Egypt. It frames an agenda that embraces all of God’s work in the Bible.[1] It is important for all Christians to be clear about the scope of God’s work, because it helps us to understand what it means to pray for God’s kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10). The fulfillment of these intentions is God’s business. To accomplish them, he will involve the full range of his people, not merely those who do “religious” work. Coming to a clearer understanding of God’s work equips us to consider better not only the nature of our work but the manner in which God intends for us to do it.

In order to better appreciate this key text, we will make some brief observations about it and then suggest how it is relevant to the theology of work. After an initially assuring response to Moses’ accusatory question about God’s mission (Exod. 5:22-6:1), God frames his more extended response with the words “I am the Lord” at the beginning and the end (Exod. 6:2, 8). This key phrase demarcates the paragraph and gives the content especially high priority. English readers must be careful to note that this phrase does not communicate what God is in terms of a title. It reveals God’s own name and therefore speaks to who he is.[2] He is the covenant-making, promise-keeping God who appeared to the patriarchs. The work God is about to do for his people is therefore grounded in the intentions that God has expressed to them. Namely, these are to multiply Abraham’s descendants, to make his name great, and to bless him so that through Abraham, God would bless all the families of the earth (Gen. 12:2-3).

13. what is meant by redemption​


Redemption means the act of making something better or more acceptable

The act of exchanging something for money

An award


14. What does christ redemption demand us?


Through Jesus' blood, we have redemption of our sins. Redemption is where something is used in exchange for something else to gain or regain something. We — all who will accept the gift of salvation — receive a pardon when we believe and repent. We only receive this pardon when we ask for forgiveness of our sin.


hope it helps:)

15. why is jesus' suffering and death redemptive?​

Because Jesus died for OUR sins. He knew the event was going to occur, because he knew he was made to be mankind's sacrifice.

Hope this helps! If you need anything else, let me know! God bless! :)

16. what the difinition of the word Redemption​

the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.

Redemption - the act of making something better or more acceptable.

- the act of exchanging something for money,an award, and etc

Christianity :the act of saving people from sin and evil: the fact of being save from sin or evil.



17. differences between forgiveness and redemption


To the ego there is no difference because neither exists. To the Spirit there is no difference because they exist and are the same. Redemption is the acceptance of God’s eternal forgiveness, and the understanding that, having been eternally forgiven, we are eternally redeemed. It is forgiveness in the active voice.

Therefore, look at it thus: You are the room. It is your choice whether you want the room dark or lit. Forgiveness is the light switch. It is easy to find. It is right next to the door at the ego’s exit.

18. redemption from sin is important because​

In Christian theology, redemption (Greek: apolutrosis) refers to the deliverance of Christians from sin. It assumes an important position in salvation because the transgressions in question form part of a great system against which human power is helpless.

so that you can realize what you have done or all the sins you have done. And so that you can change. And make things right


In Christian theology, redemption (Greek: apolutrosis) refers to the deliverance of Christians from sin. It assumes an important position in salvation because the transgressions in question form part of a great system against which human power is helpless.

19. What is the meaning of redemption

1.the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
2.the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

20. the shawshank redemption reaction​


ano po yan?


para masagutan po

21. what the difinition of the word Redemption​


The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil or the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

Example of it:

"God's plans for the redemption of his world".


"The peasants found the terms of redemption unattractive"

22. Why is Jesus’ suffering and death redemptive?


Question po ba yan wla sa amin yan


23. Saan nakakakuha ng redemption code​


sa chrome punta ka sa isang site then click redemption

24. Discuss the fall of man and God's promise of redemption.​


Biblical redemption centers on God. God is the ultimate redeemer, saving his chosen ones from sin, evil, trouble, bondage, and death. Redemption is an act of God's grace, by which he rescues and restores his people. It is the common thread woven through much of the New Testament.

The fall of man, the fall of Adam, or simply the Fall, is a term used in Christianity to describe the transition of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience. The doctrine of the Fall comes from a biblical interpretation of Genesis,


25. Why is Jesus’ suffering and death redemptive?


He sacrifice himself to save us from all of our sin.

26. 24. Identify three (30 qualities attitudes of King David that brought about his redemption and success and explain why it caused his redemption and success​


27. what are the four the redemptive death of Christ​

What are the four the redemptive death of Christ​?

The Paschal Mystery is closely linked to ideas about redemption and salvation. It refers to four ideas about the process that Jesus went through to save humanity from sin. These are his life, death and resurrection, and finally his ascension.

Reymark R. BumatayBayambang National High School

28. Amara corporation retires its 100,000 face value bonds at 105 on january 1, following the payment of interest. the carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date is 103,745. the entry to record the redemption will include a a. credit of p3,745 to loss on bond redemption. b. debit of p3,745 to premium on bonds payable. c. credit of p1,255 to gain on bond redemption. d. debit of p5,000 to premium on bonds payable.



Step-by-step explanation:

the entry to record the transaction is:



LOSS on Bond redemption 1,255 DR

CASH 105,000 CR

29. What is the meaning of Redemption? ​


Isipin mong ganto, "bumabawi ka dahil ikaw ay nagkamali sa isang bagay" In English Redemption pretty much means buying back something or getting what you should have earned. I'll try to make a situation "David has a bad reputation at the office, he made everything right by hiring skilled employees and got a good reputation" that is Redemption.


pagtubos or katubusan


The definitions of Redemption is in the picture

30. It is a paid based on its redemption value​


warm-up exercise load and cool-down

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