Clve Subject

Clve Subject

pls answer this and this is for clve hehe i can't find the subject so i just pick religion po thanks

Daftar Isi

1. pls answer this and this is for clve hehe i can't find the subject so i just pick religion po thanks


We would become less free


If everyone claimed the freedom to do anything he/she wants without regard for anyone else, we will become less free because of the selfishness that might hurt others. Freedom has a limit. Freedom isn't selfish to anyone, it's a right for us people but we need to limit it. Freedom is how you care for others not only for your own sake.

2. can you help me and then make a idea of it and this is clve o have to put english bc there is no clve grade​


The Nutroplex commercial


it shows truthfulness because the boy returned the excess change from the old man who has a business of making people rent bikes.

i hope this really help :)

3. i am confused (clve)​


Accepting, receptive, open-minded, criticism-tolerant, all convey the meaning, but only "criticism-tolerant" is self-contained in the sense that no further words need to be added to link to "criticism". ... Listening to that criticism is downright foolish.


Hope it helps




Instructions: Explain the following quotes.


The people who accept criticism are the ones who are genuinely interested in self-improvement.

The quote is about how people who accept condemnation are the ones who are self-improving or the ones who are mature.

Criticism- Criticism is to expressing disapproval, or a literary analysis of something by taking a detailed look at the pros, cons and merits.


4. explain the 7th commandment with your own word po. (CLVE)


The Seventh Commandment is a commandment to cherish and honor marriage. The Seventh Commandment also forbids adultery. When you understand what marriage is, then the horror of adultery becomes plain. Adultery defies God. Every time a person commits adultery, he or she openly goes against what God says.


hope it help, keep on learning. PA BRAINLIEST PO

5. HOW DO WE reject evil and follow Jesus way of living? (CLVE)

We reject evil by not following the 7 sins.

We follow jesus the way we by being kind and respectfull to people.


its very simple you just have to open your heart and mind and follow him be more open on having him as your saviour and dont do doubt yourself that God dont want you and dont do anything that will make God upset.

6. What does it mean to be holy? being connected to God being intelligent in CLVE being connected to your friends being connected to your CLVE teacher 4.A Saint is a person who lives with God in ______ the church in heaven purgatory Faithfulness to ________ will bring you to the joy of eternal life. (1 Point) your boyfriend your friends the commandments of God social media 6.All parts of the communion of saints are connected through ______Immersive Reader (1 Point) social media prayer CLVE reading the Bible 7.The Sacrament of Baptism is performed ______ once a week once a year once a month once in a person’s life


1. in heaven

2.the commandments of God


4.once in a persons life

7. in other situations how are the following characteristics demonstrated by your mother? strict/disciplinarian Supportivesensitive to the family's need funny/funbusyothers specify.CLVE po ito hindi po edukasyon sa pagpapakatao




i hope123455

8. hi how can i scramble these words it's bible btw. 1.iaagnltas 2.hippnlipias 3.breehws 4.stiut 5.ihttmoy 6.kule 7.mesja 8.mronas 9.evirtloean 10.olacisnoss 11.deju 12.selnhasaintos 13.phaesnes 14.kmra my class is CLVE btw​

















hope this would help you

9. In this time of Pandemic, where do you see signs pf holiness that you encounter everyday? CLVE ( CHRISTIANS LEARNING AND VALUES EDUCATION)


to those Christians like us because Pandemic was very hard our parents don't have a job , we're just waiting for the relief goods it's very hard because it's not enough for us but we didn't give and we're always praying and never lose faith to God because we know that "God will provide" and he did helps us in every thing we just need hope and patients


Hope it helps

10. reasons why you should learn CLVE​


Question: reasons why you should learn CLVE


It helps us break out of our normal patterns of behaviour. It gives our brains something to think about other than our daily worries. It might be a mere temporary distraction but it shows our mind and body that thinking about something other than stressful things is possible and desirable.


11. What does it mean to be holy? being connected to God being intelligent in CLVE being connected to your friends being connected to your CLVE teacher 4.A Saint is a person who lives with God in ______ the church in heaven purgatory Faithfulness to ________ will bring you to the joy of eternal life. (1 Point) your boyfriend your friends the commandments of God social media 6.All parts of the communion of saints are connected through ______Immersive Reader (1 Point) social media prayer CLVE reading the Bible 7.The Sacrament of Baptism is performed ______ once a week once a year once a month once in a person’s life


1.being connected to God

Yun lang Alam ko Sorry

4. in heaven

5.your friends


7.once a week

12. pa answer po please CLVE po True or False po. Thank you in advance po​









10.False (not sure)



13.True (not sure)






13. what means napuna in clve


what means napuna in clve



what means napuna in clve

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what means napuna in clve

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not sure .

14. Hello guys. I wanted to tell you I have a performance task about Bible Verseyou need an explanation and I have the bible verse part but I wanted you to do the explanation for this:For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11).-------------------Please make an explanation about this verse. {REPOST}If you need the pdf, sure! If you didn't answer it correctly, or like just using me for points, I'll report you ! Download file po.PDF po ng teacher yan. Wag po mag sagot ng mali. Ii rereport ko po kayo. Hindi po toh joke kasi importante. Deadline po today 12:00AM. Proof Po ung 2nd photo po. Thank you po sa help!Hindi po ako nag force sa inyo. Please lang help lang po. Meron naman akong missed activities.CLVE po ang subject kaya topic ay mga religion. Dali na po.


but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives and regardless of our current situation, He can work through it to prosper us and give us a hope


hope it helps you po:>

15. we have received and even the pains of Christ. The account of the last Supper give us the truth of the presence of Jest instituted during the meal. There is no doubt about Jesus' presence du Answer the following questions in your CLVE Notebook. 1. 2. iWhats this passage the story of? How are the painting of the Last Supper and the passage f teaching about the Bread of Life in John 6? The following Church Teaching gives us a specific explanation of Jesus Eucharist.​


The story of the Last Supper on the night before Christ's crucifixion is reported in four books of the New Testament (Matthew 26:17–29; Mark 14:12–25; Luke 22:7–38; and I Corinthians 11:23–25).

Jesus is said to have passed unleavened bread and wine around the table and explained to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the wine his blood.

Transubstantiation is, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, "the change of the whole substance of bread into the substance of the Body of Christ and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of the Blood of Christ.



wala po akong answer


tama po ang answer ni kuya

16. search for a verse about solidarity and or unity then explain the verse and compose a message to the people about peace, unity and order. I need it fast please the subjext is CLVE


Psalms 133:1

how good and how pleasent it is when gods people live together in unity


yan po sagot

17. CLVE/CHRISTIAN LIVINGDirections: Based on your understanding, answer the following questions.1. What is the importance of sacramentals in living our Christian faith?2. In your own words, explain what makes a church become a shrine. ​


1.They give birth and increase healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. SACRAMENTALS Remember An Outward Sing, is something that represents a thing other than it self So SACRAMENTAL is an object or action that represents something outside of itself.

2.To be designated as a diocesan shrine, the subject church must be a place "to which numerous members of the faithful make pilgrimage for a special reason of piety." It must exceed other churches in terms of worship, Christian formation, and social services.



18. What was the new promise made by God and considered the best news in the NewTestament?​CLVE PO !!


In Christianity, the gospel, or the Good News, is the news of the imminent coming of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15).

19. reasons why you should learn CLVE​


To learn about God


You need to learn about God

(actually there is no real evidence that God is real so if u want don't learn it but if u need to then learn it even you don't want to learn it)

20. pa answer po please CLVE po True or False po. Thank you in advance po​


ano po yung full question?

21. C. Reflect Description: The Word of God teaches and helps us become loving and responsible children of God. Let the following biblical texts guide and inspire your thoughts, words and deeds. Write God’s message for you after reflecting on each of them 1.Proverbs 1:8 “Listen my child, to your father’s instruction, do not reject your mother’s teaching.”_ 2.Proverbs 1:8 “Listen my child, to your father’s instruction, do not reject your mother’s teaching.”_ 3.Luke 6:35 “Love your enemy and do good to them and lend expecting nothing in return 4. 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Everyone must give according to what he has, not sadly, for God loves a Cheerful giver”_ 5.Psalm 119: 105 “Your Word. O Lord, is the light that guides my way” D. 6. Through the signs of creation around us, spend some time as a family especially this time of pandemic to be with God by enjoying “nature”. What qualities of God did you discover through this activity? 7. Through the voice of the Church, what are some rules of the church that the family know and practice? 8. Through the voice of your conscience, Do you hear God through your conscience? Write a personal experience. Subject: CLVE


4 hours maybe quicly you dew to due date of faster pipes and many ours set up of no conduting sences commonalities gravity

pa brainles po.

22. Explain Doctrine, Moral, and Worship in your own words and connect how one nourishes it in one's personal life. Help pls a few mins nlng CLVE

Doctrine is a set of beliefs , moral refers to right or wrong, worship refers to giving glory to , by following a Christian doctrine, doing morally right things and worshipping God , my life will be much better

23. What Is ItPresentation:A. Complete the table with the comparatives and the superlatives,PositiveComparativeSuperlative1.nolsy2. far3. colorful4.cons/darate5,8weet8. Use the words in the comparative degree in a sentence: 1 - Clve the porteat form of the action​


super ganda ng topic neto pramisss super

24. patulong po dito sa clve


because matthew dont lie and tell the truth because he believe Jesus


mark as brainlist

25. your teacher in CLVE asked you to have and read the bible, what can you do? why?​


I would read it because it was the teacher who tells me so. Reading bible might be a weird thing but it is the way of God because He wanted to use you to became a blessing to your classmates.


pabrainliest po, thankyou


As Christians, we don't need to be told or to be forced to read the bible.

In fact, it should be clear to us that reading the bible should be seen as our Christian Duty. The word of God is the food of our soul, it is the foundation of our Christian faith. It is through the bible that we get to know God and his message of love, peace, and repentance for humanity.

So how can you call yourself a Christian if you find it an arduous task to read the bible?

How can you build a relationship with God if you're not interested to know him or listen to his divine revelations through the Sacred Scripture?

indeed, Catholics are known to have a  bible in their home, but for most of them, their bible has never been touched or opened, it has become a resting place of dust.

As Christians, let us make it a habit to read our bible. For its through reading the bible that we can get to know God even more. The more we know him, the more we become closer to him.

For further readings, check this out:


26. Why should i learn CLVE?​


Question: Why should i learn CLVE?


A Christian education equips students to see the world through a lens of purpose. Christian education is important because it teaches students to incorporate God into all things. God is not confined to church or family life. Instead, students learn to include God in every corner of their life.


27. these words and names appear in some of the book titles of the new testament. can you fill in the missing letters to complete the name M_TT_E_E PH_LIPIA_S _EV_LATI_N HE_RE_S CO_IN_HO_NS _CT_ PHI_EM_N T_ES_AL_NIA_S _UD_T_M_TH SUBJECT: CLVE












Please brainliest me

28. What have you done to make yourself spiritually clean? Did it work? CLVE


I surrender to God


it works,I realize how blessed I'm to have god in my life, he forgive our sins, he healed us, he protects us just Surrender to god and you'll how grateful you are..

29. Directions Clve what is asked. Write your answers on your answer sheet.What are the components of consumer health?1.____2.____3.______Crve three (3) examples in each component1. Health information2. Health products3. Health services​


The components of consumer health:

1. Health Information

2. Health Products

3. Health Services

3 Examples in each component:

1. Health Information

Newspaper Newsletter Book

2. Health Product

Eye glasses Appliances Cosmetics

3. Health Services

Medical Consultation Using electricity Payment for haircut


Please Pabrainliest po sana dahil matinong sagot po ito at sure po ako sa sagot ko.

30. My CLVE teacher taught me the importance of the Bible. I will... its an essay ​




study a bible

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